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Purex® shares how to remove paint stains from clothes

How to Remove Paint Stains

School is starting up, and your child may have already brought home their first masterpiece to decorate your refrigerator. But did they also bring home a school outfit that was newly decorated with multiple colors of paint? Purex® shares how to get paint stains out of clothes with Purex® detergent.

Removing Water Based Paint Stains from Clothes

Remove As Much Of The Paint As You Can

Catching a paint stain when it is wet does make it easier to remove. However, don’t worry if the stain is dry by the time your child makes it home, as long as they were using water-based paint. If the stain is dry, carefully take a hard wire brush to remove the dried paint off of the surface. With water-based (latex) paint stains, run warm water through the stain from the wrong side of the fabric, taking care to not spread the stain around.

Pre-Treat the Paint Stain and Wash and Dry the Stained Item

Then treat the stain with your favorite stain remover. Gently rub in the stain remover and let sit for approximately 5 minutes before laundering as usual, following the care instructions on the clothing. For extra stain fighting power, use Purex® Advanced Oxi + Coldwater Power liquid laundry detergent. This detergent is Purex® most powerful stain-fighting detergent while also keeping your clothes smelling fresh. As always, inspect the stained area before placing the item in the dryer. If the stain has not been completely removed, repeat the process of treating the stain. If you dry the item & the stain has not been removed, that will set the stain, making it even harder to remove.

Removing Oil Based Paint Stains from Clothes

Remove the Paint Stain by Using the Recommend Paint Remover.

Oil based stains are a little more tricky to remove. If these types of stains dry, they become almost impossible to remove. Try to keep the stain wet until you can treat it. If the paint you used lists a particular paint remover, use that or turpentine. Place the stain on a stack of paper towels so that you have access to the back of the stain. Carefully wet the stain with the paint remover and gently work the stain out. You can do this by rubbing the back of the stain with a wooden spoon to allow for the paper towels to adsorb the stain. Do not rub with a cloth but blot the stain, as this will cause the stain to be transferred deeper into the fabric. Make sure to change the stack of paper towels once they have adsorbed some or all of the stain.

Pretreat the Paint Stain

Once you have removed as much of the stain as possible, apply a small amount of detergent to the front of the stain and let it sit for approximately 5 minutes. Then launder as usual, with either Purex® liquid detergent or Purex® Pacs for a more convenient option. Paint stains can be persistent so you may need to repeat this process a few times to completely remove the stain.

Now you understand why paint smocks and dad's old shirts are so important! Accidents do happen, so just remember that the beautiful artwork that adorns your refrigerator could not have happened without the spots of paint that you are working to remove from your child's clothes. Happy stain fighting!

For other back to school & craft stains, view other Purex® arts & crafts stains including how to remove marker stains and how to remove glue stains.

Author: Purex® Stain Lab

We understand that life gets messy and want to make laundry as easy as possible for you. With quality & value continuing to be at the core of our product development, we continue to create highly effective laundry detergent & supplies. We tested some of the toughest stains to keep your clothing looking brand new. View our Stain Lab for our best recommendations to get life's toughest stains out of your clothing.

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