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Purex® shares how to remove crayon stains from clothes

How to Easily Get Out Crayon Stains from Clothing

As many times as you may tell your school-age children that crayons are for coloring on paper, they inevitably manage to color on themselves. What do you do when your child comes walking home with a rainbow of crayon colors all over his shirt? Purex® shares how to remove crayon stains from clothing.

Freeze the Crayon Stained Clothing Item

Keeping in mind that crayon is a waxy substance, you can freeze the article of clothing. Yes, I really mean to fold up the crayon stained item and put it in your freezer. Once the wax has frozen, gently scrap off the excess.

Iron the Crayon Stain

Put a clean paper towel on both sides of the crayon stain and go over the stained area with a warm iron. Check the paper towels and replace as needed. You want to replace them often so you don’t transfer the crayon stain to other places on the clothing.

Pre-Treat & Launder the Crayon Stain

After you have removed as much of the crayon stain as you can, pretreat with a stain remover or create your own using a Purex® stain removing detergent and allow it to sit for five minutes. Then launder with Purex® scented detergent, like Purex® Fresh Mountain Breeze™ or Purex® Pacs. For an added fragrance boost, we recommend Purex® Crystals. They are an excellent way to give your laundry a long-lasting, fresh scent that lasts for weeks.

Check the Crayon Wax Stain Before Drying

As always, check the stain before placing the article of clothing in the dryer. If the crayon stain is still present use a color safe bleach, or a chlorine bleach if the clothing allows for it. Due to the nature of this waxy stain, it may take a few iterations to completely remove it.

Happy stain fighting! For other arts & craft related stains, view how to remove marker stains and how to remove paint stains.

Discover Purex® Products

Purex® offers an array of great products, all at an affordable price. Discover Purex® liquid laundry detergentsPacs, and Purex® Crystals. Purex® products will keep your clothes smelling fresh in a variety of scents while keeping them looking brand new.

Author: Purex® Stain Lab

We understand that life gets messy and want to make laundry as easy as possible for you. With quality & value continuing to be at the core of our product development, we continue to create highly effective laundry detergent & supplies. We tested some of the toughest stains to keep your clothing looking brand new. View our Stain Lab for our best recommendations to get life's toughest stains out of your clothing.

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