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Purex® shares how to remove chocolate stains

How to Remove Chocolate Stains

With Halloween around the corner, children everywhere are looking forward to all of the candy they hope to collect, and parents are dreading the sugar-high and stains that are guaranteed to cover their children’s costumes and clothes. One of the most highly looked forward to treat is by far chocolate, I know it’s one of my favorites. Chocolate can turn into a messy delight when it starts to melt causing stains that can be tedious to get out. Purex® shares how to remove chocolate stains from clothing and fabrics.

Scrape Off Any Excess Chocolate

The first step with removing a chocolate stain is to carefully scrape off any chocolate that is sitting on top of the fabric, then rinse the garment with cool water. This also applies to chocolate ice cream or chocolate mousse. Removing a chocolate stain is definitely easier if you are trying to clean it when the stain is fresh. If you let it dry and set into the fabric, you can still remove it, but it will be a little more difficult.

Help Remove the Chocolate Stain with a Stain Remover

After you've rinsed the garment with cool water, Purex® recommends treating the stain with a stain remover that contains enzymes. Enzymes help to break down components in the stain. For instance, amylase breaks down starches and sugars that you might find in chocolate syrup, lipase breaks down fats like the triglycerides that are found in cocoa butter that is used in milk chocolate and white chocolate, and protease breaks down proteins that are found in chocolate milk and chocolate ice cream. To make your own stain remover, mix Purex® liquid detergent & water. Apply the stain remover to the stain and gently rub it in to cover the entire stain. Patiently, let it sit for approximately five minutes.

Wash the Chocolate Stain with a Stain Removing Detergent

After treating with the stain remover, Purex® recommends laundering the garment and following the instructions on the care label. A good choice for a detergent would be Purex® Advanced Oxi + Coldwater Power liquid detergent as it also has enzymes that can help fight a chocolate stain.

Check the Chocolate Stain Before Placing in the Dryer

Before you transfer all of your clothes out of the washer to the dryer, make sure the stain has been removed. You do not want the stain to still be present when you put your clothes in the dryer because it will definitely set. If there are still remnants of the stain, reapply stain remover again and launder the item again. Chocolate will be no match for your stain fighting abilities! Enjoy all of the treats – Happy Halloween!

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Purex® offers an array of great products, all at an affordable price. Discover Purex® liquid laundry detergents, Pacs, and Purex® Crystals. Purex® products will keep your clothes smelling fresh in a variety of scents while keeping them looking brand new.

Author: The Purex® Stain Lab

We understand that life gets messy and want to make laundry as easy as possible for you. With quality & value continuing to be at the core of our product development, we continue to create highly effective laundry detergent & supplies. We tested some of the toughest stains to keep your clothing looking brand new. View our Stain Lab for our best recommendations to get life's toughest stains out of your clothing.

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